FFA National Convention

Abilene High School has —— individuals that participate in the Future Farmers of America (FFA) organization. FFA is a national student organization thats members are interested in agriculture, biology, chemistry, veterinary, engineering, and entrepreneurship. FFA also promotes personal growth, leadership, and career success.

The students have their own roles in FFA. Senior roles are:

Senior President: Rylie Volkman
Senior Vice President: Austin Wuthnow
Senior Treasurer: Will Stroda
Senior Secretary: Lauren Hoover
Senior Sentinel: Mark Cooper
Senior Reporter: Robin Schlesener
Senior Chaplain: Megan Anguiano
Senior Photographer: Annie Bathurst
The Junior Roles are:
Junior President: Josiah Schwarz
Junior Vice President: Evie Schwarz
Junior Treasurer: Dawson Wuthnow
Junior Secretary: Anika Cox
Junior Sentinel: Ryder Kuntz
Junior Reporter: Abigail Lillard
Junior Chaplain: Trenton Wuthnow
Junior Photographer: Heidi Schlesener

Once a year the FFA national convention is held in Indianapolis, Indiana on the third week of October. This trip for AHS students is to recognize members from across the natiogn. Those who have won state contests continue on to the national level. They are then awarded placements at this competition.

“I want them (FFA members) to take away that they are appropriated and their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.” stated teacher Amanda West.

This convention gives its members opportunities for scholarships, chapter awards, proficiency awards, American degrees, and more. A career fair is held with hundreds of agricultural based colleges, companies, and vendors. This allows membors to see curriculum and resources.

In order to go on the trip, FFA members have to place in the top 15 students from their chapter. When an FFA member participates in an event, they are rewarded points. Placements are based on these participation points.