Spring Break Plans
It seems as though this spring break will be more on the wintry side
Spring break is already upon Abilene High School once again. For many, it couldn’t have come at a better time. As students anticipate the next best thing to winter break, many have already established plans (or no plans) for the coming week.
Unlike winter break, spring break has considerably better weather, meaning more time for outdoor activities; however, since this is Kansas, AHS students can expect chilly weather over the break if they plan on staying in-state.
Many students plan on traveling out-of-state for spring break to get away from this dreary weather. Rebecca Gale, a freshmen, is planning on traveling to Dallas, Texas, for a mission trip with her camp.
Through the organization called Our Calling, Rebecca and her group will be working in a warehouse for the homeless, cleaning and improving the facilities, all while sharing the word of God with others.
Not only will she be able to enjoy the warmer climate, she will also be offering her manual services to those in need.
“We’re basically going out to find homeless people to spread the word of Jesus as a way to give them a light,” said Rebecca.
The AHS singers group is traveling to New York City towards the end of spring break. While their purpose is to preform at Carnegie Hall, the group is also using the opportunity to take advantage of everything the Big Apple has to offer.
During their stay in New York City, the singers are planning on watching an acclaimed Broadway show and even touring through Ellis Island and the 9/11 memorial.
Junior singer, Liz Collins, is thoroughly excited for the fast-approaching trip. “While we’re there, we’ll also visit the Statue of Liberty, Top of the Rock . . . and we’ll get to see Dear Evan Hansen on Broadway!”
For those who are not planning on traveling anywhere for spring break, a well-deserved stay-cation can be the ideal type of break away from the hustle and bustle of school.
With no added homework, academic commitments, or looming deadlines, spring break is the perfect opportunity for some rest and relaxation.
Jackson Randles, a junior, mentioned catching up on homework during his free time. When asked what else he had in store for spring break, he said, “We’re going to finish construction on my room which is super exciting. . . . And chill at home.”
Whether it be sitting around watching Netflix all day or sleeping through the day or doing absolutely nothing, any of those activities can be just as stress-alleviating as a Hawaiian vacation.
Other people who are staying in town for spring break plan on training for the upcoming season of spring sports. Track, baseball, softball, and boys’ tennis all require the athletes to be physically fit, and spring break is the perfect opportunity to get ahead of the game.
Whether you plan on traveling as far away from Kansas as possible or staying in town, spring break is still serving the same purpose in offering a little over a week for students to catch their breath.