Cowboy Adam!
Cowboy Joe winner Adam Henely poses with fellow candidates Christian Radabaugh, Jackson Randles, Kade Funston, and Josh Young, with campaign managers Taylor Heitschmidt, Aly Johnson, Shiann Olberding, Savannah Stout, and Anna Zey.
The 2020 Cowboy Joe festivities have come to a close. The week was filled with a plethora of activities. Monday was College day, Tuesday was highlighter day (bright colors), Wednesday was Decades day, Thursday was Musician day, and Friday was the day to sport your candidate’s color.
Simultaneously, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday were all days dedicated to planning skits. While the skit planning was happening, there was a variety of games including favorites such as four-square, corn hole, and gaga ball. Free food was provided by the parents of the candidates as well.
Other activities included Extreme Volleyball on Tuesday, and Powderpuff Football on Friday. Extreme volleyball is a round robin volleyball tournament played by senior and junior boys. The dub was taken by the senior orange team led by Keaton Hocker.
Powderpuff Football is an intense game of flag football between teams of junior and senior girls. Coming down to the final seconds, the game was becoming a nail biter with a score of 6-2 lead by the senior girls. The junior girls were making a strong comeback until an interception sealed the deal for the seniors.
Only hours after the game was the Cowboy Joe dance. The dance went on from 7:00-9:00 p.m, with a big announcement coming at the conclusion. At the conclusion, our curiosities were finally cleared up, and everything that these campaign teams worked for would boil down to this one announcement. The Cowboy Joe winner for the 2020 school year is Adam Henely!
Each campaign also collected non-perishable food items to be donated to the local food bank. The student body collected over 800 items with Christian Radabaugh’s campaign collecting 391 for the win.
Thurman is a junior at AHS. This is his second year with the Booster. Thurman runs Varsity for both the cross country and track teams. He is an avid fan...