Deck The Halls With . . . Music?
Winter Magic: The AHS Singers get into the Christmas spirit caroling around downtown Abilene.
Every year, AHS’s Jazz band and Singers tour around Abilene to all the different schools. This year, the festivities take place on Thursday, Dec. 12th. According to vocal teacher, Danette Whiteley, the tour has been a tradition long before she ever came to AHS in 2005. This year, things are a bit different though. Due to some calendar errors, the jazz band will not be participating in the tour.
“I prepare the students with holiday music, usually a medley of fun Christmas classics. They have to memorize it so they can also do some choreography while they sing.” says Whiteley.
The group will start off by going to Kennedy and then heading over to Eisenhower for their first stops. Then they will head over to St. Andrew’s and McKinley and end the day at AMS.
First year sophomore, Naomi Dannefer, is excited about the upcoming events. “I remember in middle school, I always loved seeing the Singers come down and dance and interact with us. I looked forward to becoming one of them one day.”
The Singers, as well as the other choir classes, will have a Christmas concert on Dec. 17th at 7:00 in the AHS Auditorium. The Singers also are given the opportunity to perform at many other areas around the community throughout December: Great Plains Theater, District Honor Choir, First Christian Church, Emmanuel Church, caroling downtown, and singing the “Star Spangled Banner” at home basketball games or wrestling meets.