Wear a Mask, it’s Worth It
After a change in quarantine guidelines, the Abilene High School has created a mask incentive. Seeing the results of quarantines and having a change in guidelines, AHS wanted a more effective way for more students to wear their masks. Each teacher will be given orange slips of paper with a mask graphic on them. These slips will be given out to students who are wearing their mask properly during the appropriate teacher’s class. The student will put their name, the teachers name, and the date the slip was given to them in order for them to have a chance to win a $100 gift card at the end of each week.
“Our goal is to finish the school year by keeping kids in school, and based on the current quarantine guidelines if the student stays masked up (meaning over the nose and mouth) we won’t have to send kids home. We wanted to encourage mask wearing so we quarantines will be limited.” Stated AHS principal Dr. Ben Smith. When asked why they started the mask incentive, he responded, “We want to reward all those who have stuck with it all year is part of it but to also encourage mask wearing.”
Some students feel as though that there should not be a reward associated with the masks, “I feel as though there shouldn’t be a reward for doing the right thing. There should be a consequences for opposing the rule.” said Junior Miqueas Mazo.
While students now have more reason to where their masks. The school has hope that they will not have to quarantines won’t be as prominent. To all the students and teachers, wear your mask properly to keep yourselves and others safe. We’re all in this together.
Zane is a sophomore. This is his first year with the Booster. He likes being outdoors and being active in sports. Zane likes the Seattle Seahawks.