Valentines Day On a Budget

Valentines Day is a holiday that is known for two things: love and giving your significant others gifts to show just how much you love them. Whether or not you are gifting a boyfriend or girlfriend, or just celebrating the holiday with some friends, choosing gifts can be incredibly difficult. 

Don’t worry too much, for I have done some research and put together a list of things to do when Valentines Day comes rolling around!

1. Don’t wait until the last minute. If you begin brainstorming early and preparing early, chances are gift making/buying will be less difficult and stressful. Often times partners search for gifts within a few days of the 14th, and are left stressed that their gift isn’t good enough.

Start coming up with ideas at the beginning of February. Once you come up with some sort of plan,  you can actually execute it when it gets closer to the big day. This allows you to thoroughly plan out how you want to surprise your significant other without it feeling like it’s completely awful. 

2. Don’t go too big too early. If you’ve only been dating for a few week, don’t fret and plan out this massive date and exquisite gift. You don’t need to buy the love of your partner. Try asking your partner what they would want a few months early next time, and write down their response. Hey, maybe you could get kudos for remembering!

If you didn’t do that and are too afraid to ask what they want, try contacting a friend of your partner to help brainstorm ideas. Hopefully, you know your partner well enough that you can get an idea started, but try running your plan by one of their friends just to make sure it’ll make them happy.

Making your own personalized Valentines Day card makes for a great gift!

3. Meaningful gifts are great! If you don’t have a lot of extra money laying around like most people, try making a gift for your partner. Write them a lengthy letter and tape it to a some chocolates. Write them a poem (or find a cute one on the internet) or draw them a picture of something they enjoy. 

Also, if you can’t afford a big box of chocolates, go to a dollar store and create your own gift. Find a nice mason jar or buy one for cheap, and fill it with their favorite candy. Use tissue paper of their favorite color before sealing the jar. Write them a cute little note and bam! Cute gift idea!

4. Date nights don’t have to be grand. For those of us struggling in the money department, scheming dates can be kind of difficult. Instead of going to a restaurant, find a recipe you both will like and cook it together. This lets you spend time trying new things while cooking a delicious meal.

If cooking isn’t your thing, ask a friend for some help putting together a picnic scenario. Spend some time making sandwiches and cutting them into squares or triangles neatly. Add some crackers, cheese, and some kind of meat if they are cool with that. Get a couple of wine glasses and fill them with some sparkling grape juice.  If the weather isn’t great, put together an indoor picnic and light a candle for some extra cuteness. 

Those are some basic ideas to help you this Valentines Day season. Good luck with your holiday, and hopefully spend the day with your partner and have a good time. Don’t let material items ruin your day!