Game, set, match! A Deeper Look Into AHS’ Tennis Queen

Tennis is a sport of physical and mental toughness  It isn’t a contact sport, like football or boxing. Tennis requires focus and fast reflexes.

Shiann Olberding is 18 years old, and a senior at Abilene High School. She participates in many activities, including: tennis, track, FCA, STUCO, book club, and Spurs. Shiann is a dedicated student with high academics and a winning record in tennis.


Shiann has been playing tennis for six years, starting her career after her seventh grade year. When asked what encouraged her to begin playing tennis, Shiann explained, “Both of my sisters played tennis in high school, so they were a main reason I started playing.”

Last year, Shiann and her partner Kylie Coup had a season record of 31 wins and 4 losses. The duo placed first at NCKL and Regionals. Shiann and Kylie placed 4th at state.


During the weekday, Shiann has practice from 3:30 to 5:30. They begin their practice running, stretching, and hitting with a partner.

The coaches will then guide their players through drills, such as: hitting off the ball machine, hitting volleys, or playing matches.

Mrs. Berry and the other coaches prepare their team by putting them in game-like situations. They practice their shots and patterns.


Shiann began track during middle school, and has continued her career on into high school. She began track because she liked the people and the atmosphere that she was surrounded by.

There are three main categories of track: running, jumping, and throwing–with several sub categories in each. Shiann does pole vault, triple jump, and the 400M. She trains by running and lifting weights.

In order from left to right: Beth Holmes, Shiann Olberding, Savannah Stout. and Bailey Rock


Not only is Shiann involved with sports, but she is academically involved with AHS. Shiann is a part of FCA, STUCO, SPURS, and Book Club.

Shiann is a part of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and joined because it was a fun way to incorporate church and sports together. She was voted in by her class to be a member of the Student Council due to her ability to lead and do her best in order to be a voice for the students. SPURS stands for Student Peers Using Responsible Strategies, and is a way to encourage your fellow classmates to be responsible and to make better decisions. Shiann joined because she believes its a good way to support people and to keep the student body safe. Book club is a fun way for Shiann to connect with other students about good reads in a fun way.


“It’s hard being a student athlete sometimes, but I make sure I use my time wisely and get my homework done.” Shiann explained when asked how she balances school and sports. “Sometimes I want to hang out with friends, but I make sure to get my homework done first.”