Laryssa’s Got Rhythm

Photo Credit – Aveth Elledge

When you think about prominent people in a high school, your mind most likely wanders to all of our talented athletic students who dedicate all of their time to their sports. But there is another large group of students who dedicate their time to something else: music. Abilene High School for the past few years has had 100 plus students in the band.

Upon entering the high school during a basketball game, you can hear the thundering sound of the bass drums that keep the tempo. As you enter the actual gym, your senses are almost overwhelmed from everything that is going on. The smell of popcorn, the sound of the different cheering, and the sound of feet pounding on the ground, along with a basketball.

One member of the “best band in the land” is Laryssa Brown. She is a senior at Abilene High School, and has been a member of the band for all four years of her high school career. Not only does Laryssa excel in band, but she also sings and wrestles.


Laryssa began her band career as she started sixth grade. Her motivation to try band out was the stories she was told from her older brother and parents. She began with trumpet, and eventually learned french horn, guitar, and piano. Her favorite instrument varies based on her mood. “French horn is super cool, but it can be super frustrating too.”

She is extremely talented at the instruments she already plays, but has a goal to continue and try to play new instruments. At the moment, Laryssa is still learning and experimenting with the piano.


Outside of band, Laryssa participates in scholars bowl, wrestling, drum line, and is currently working with Great Plains Theatre’s, “Annie Jr.” With Laryssa’s extremely packed schedule, she finds that her busy schedule has forced her to stay organized.

“Usually, I would worry about taking on too many activities. Between scholarships, visits, wrestling, rehearsal, jobs, church, and school, my schedule is pretty packed.”

Although she is extremely busy, she feels that everything is going well. With people helping her and getting a good amount of sleep, Laryssa powers through her busy days. “I fall behind at times, but I guess it’s easier to go one day at a time.”

When it comes to wrestling, Laryssa finds this sport is something she is “not very good” at. She joined the team because she wanted to try it, and discovered that it is a “wonderful, supportive” environment. “Every day after school, every person at practice is ready to help. I’ve impressed myself with these things I never knew I was capable of.”

Laryssa poses with Melinda Bruna after taking a hard hit during the AHS Powder Puff football game.  Photo credit:  Aveth Elledge



As of right now, Laryssa is enrolled at Hutchinson Community College to achieve her paramedic certification, along with language disability classes and more emergency certifications. When asked about her future outside of high school, Laryssa expressed her excitement, “Very! I’m gonna get a pet fish.”

As we all have seen, Laryssa is very involved with activities at AHS, but has yet to decide how many activities she is going to participate in during college. She plans to be involved, taking it slow in figuring out where she will fit in.

As most seniors, Laryssa has spent almost four years working hard to achieve her goals. Along with countless nights doing homework, or doing the complete opposite, Laryssa has made many memories over the years. “Road trips, game nights at Hardee’s and Burger King, bringing McDonald’s to school, and the dinner before homecoming my junior year.” reflected Brown.

Before you leave, Laryssa has some words of wisdom that everyone really should hear.

“Trust yourself to know that where you are now is where you’re supposed to be, so just hang in there. New days will come. Also, never forget that character flaws make character. You’re not who you are without your flaws. Just take it as easy as you can.” – Laryssa Brown


Laryssa’s jaw drops as she holds a large snake.