Abilene High School's student news site.


The COVID-19 virus has swept through the country like the Backstreet Boys in the 1990’s. Take one quick look around and you’ll see the repercussions of this global pandemics first hand. For all of the people who donate all of their well-being into sports analytics and the drama in professional athletics, dearly sorry. To all the people who love seeing their friends at school, my condolences. And lastly to all of the germaphobes, you’ve been doing what we should have been doing the whole time.

The COVID-19 virus or the “corona virus” was first detected in the United States back in February and has since made its’ way across all 50 states.

Despite what people say, COVID-19 is not a supposed, “Flu on Steroids”, and shall not be taken as such. While the symptoms of the two diseases do bear a striking resemblance, COVID takes a bigger death toll with it. For example, an article written April 27th by MedPage Today states that the yearly death count from the flu is anywhere from 12,000 to 61,000 deaths. Whereas at the time of this article is being published, the United States has ousted 61,000 by a near 700 cases (estimated).

As mentioned earlier, the symptoms of the two diseases are relatively identical. Symptoms of the COVID-19 virus include at least two of the following: fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, and/or shortness of breath. The two are spread in almost identical fashion. The spread being by way of coughing, sneezing, or even talking. But something that’s even more menacing about the disease is that someone infected with it may be spreading it for days at a time before showing any symptoms. However as undifferentiated as these two illnesses may be, a vaccine has only been developed for the Flu and not COVID. Our job as the people is to make sure that we keep each other healthy and COVID free.

Clorox and Paper towels have been a prominent asset in keeping clean from COVID-19.

So what can we do to until a vaccine for COVID is developed? Well, it’s simple, part preparation and part common sense. For example, taking 20 seconds out of your day to cleanse your hands of bacteria. Or even the occasional squirt of hand sanitizer. Keeping clean is the number one priority.

Local businesses are being sure to take the necessary precautions. Some are putting up glass barriers between customers and check out. However, all are being sure to disinfect carts and doors. To prevent any other possible outlets of transmission, stores are limiting the number of customers and are requiring them to take a cart while shopping.

It is unknown as to whether or not COVID is in the air. But it is imminent that confidence is in the air. Regardless, please wash your hands, wear your masks, and stay safe everybody.

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